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Music Videos Analysis

Dernière mise à jour : 3 oct. 2018

In order to understand more in-depth the main conventions, style and techniques of music videos, I took a detailed look at two videos with the similar genre than mine and one completely different.


Abi Ocia - Running

This music video of the indie/alternative artist Abi Ocia, can be considered as having an interpretive style and amplification narrative. The video is slightly influenced by the lyrics and consists of more meanings that develop a deeper narrative and can be interpreted in many different ways by its audience.

The profound lyrics of the song correlate with the visuals of the music video. The model ,wearing a simple dress, isn't so much apparent, comparing to nature elements such as threes, smoke and a field of wheat that surround her. This create an emotional and hypnotizing atmosphere, as well as the choice of a black & white filter that accentuate this specific mood.

The body language of the women and the props used, like the motorcycle, the petrol can and the mannequin, are really intriguing and intensify meanings. The women seems troubled and disturbed. She try to face fear with strength, and this connoted by her running and walking forward in the field and the use of exaggerated smoke.

→ For my music video I would like to have the same atmosphere of mystery, with the use of symbols and profound connotations. I will also use only one main protagonist, as I want the narrative to be focus on her.


Sasha Sloan - Ready Yet

The music video of Sasha Sloan for her song "Ready yet" can be considered as an illustrative style with an amplification narrative.

The singer seems to tell her story from the past when she was a child. She is performing in the video as well she is represented by a child with the same hairstyle than her. This connote her personal experience she is exposing to the audience.

From the lyrics we know that she is referring to a relationship that hurted her, but only through the video we understand that it refers to the relation with her father. The settings in the house doesn't have a warm and convivial atmosphere. The curtains are closed even if it's the day which make the location dark and hostile. The models that represents her parents are fighting and the girl seems sad and scared. This refers to the unpleasant memories of her father. However this is alternated with some shots outside the house, where she is playing with her father on a sunny weather. Representing the good and joyful moments she had with her father and accentuating the nostalgia feelings of the music video.

→ I don't wan to have so much lip sync techniques and I would like more complex meanings than this music video. This one is really straightforward and easy to interpret the connotations.


Fergie - Enchanté (Carine) ft. Axl Jack

I decided to analysis a music video with a pop genre music in order to contrast the indie/alternative genre of the song I chose.

The video of Fergie can be studied as having an amplification narrative with a conceptual style. In her song she is referring to the joy of social media (as she stated it in an interview) and collaborating with Kendall Jenner, who is an important user and influencers of social media create a correlation between the lyrics and the music video. A singular platform, such as Instagram, can observe different versions of ourselves in a day which is represented in this video: the model is duplicated in every shots doing different actions and with different outfits. Moreover, this social media theme is identified by Kendall Jenner constantly preen in front of mirrors, referring to selfies.

The video main techniques is the jump cuts of backwards and forwards actions, which may be annoying and difficult to watch for some people, but seems to represent an Instagram Boomerang Story.

→ I wish to have a more artistic video than this one, with more subtle meanings and neutral colors. Even if I will have only one protagonist, I wish to not have the complete focus on her such as Kendall in the music video. However, I like this effect of boomerang and might use it.

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